Confession time. I am not a sake fan.
But like wine, it has lasted the test of time. A new event at the annual Cayman Cookout hosted at The Ritz-Carlton Grand Cayman, this event had impressive numbers waiting to explore the world of Sake.
For the newbies like myself and enthusiasts, we all learnt quite a lot. Check out the following and let us know how many of these facts you knew about sake.
- Say it right. Sake is not pronounced “sakee” … It is actually “sakay”
- The clean alternative to wine. Sake has no sulfites, GMO, gluten, or tannins.
- For the health of it. There are amazing health benefits to drinking sake. All of the above are amazing reasons but sake also has no acid. Acid reflux anyone?
- No rush. Once you open a bottle of sake, you have a 30-60 day window to drink it. This is unlike wine which could become flat within 24 hours.
- Ownership. Sake is not only made in Japan. Currently, sake is now being made in approximately 18 different countries.
- Speaking of Japan. When you think of sake, you automatically think of sushi. Sake is good with many different types of cuisines. Umami foods are known to pair well with sake. Italian food is also a must try with sake.
- Cocktails… huh? Sake is also a great replacement for cocktail mixes. It prevents headaches the next day. Many restaurants are now mixing their cocktails such as Pina Colada, martinis and margaritas with Sake instead of other spirits.
- Cooking anyone? Sake is a great enhancer to many meals. You can use sake to cook with and it gives a nice flavor to dishes.
- No small cups. Serve in a Sauvignon Blanc glass. Japan does ceremonial tasting in small cups.
- Never drink sake hot. Serve at the same temp as Sauvignon Blanc.