Before you make your entrance

To make your trip to the Cayman Islands as smooth as possible, please have the following items ready upon your arrival.

  • Identification (U.S. Passport/Proof Of Canadian Citizenship)
  • Immigration Card (Provided By Airline Staff)
  • Customs Declaration Card (Provided By Airline Staff)


Immigrants to the Cayman Islands include:

  • Those authorised by a work permit to work in the Cayman Islands.
  • Those named in a work permit as a dependant of the licensee.
  • Those exempted from work permit requirements or their dependants.
  • Those permitted to reside permanently in the Cayman Islands.
  • Those holding a valid re-entry permit are not required to produce a visa.

Prohibited immigrants to Cayman include:

  • Those declared destitute, mentally disordered or previously deported.
  • Those creating health hazards to the community.
  • Those reasonably believed to be a prostitute or living on prostitution
  • Those who received a prison sentence of 12+ months in another country.
  • Those declared to be undesirable for economic or moral reasons.

Visitors Prohibited & Restricted Goods

  • Firearms, Ammunition, Bulletproof Vest and Gun powder are prohibited unless accompanied by an import permit and license signed by the Commissioner of Police.
  • Any controlled or illegal drugs or utensils are prohibited.
  • Any goods or items depicting or bearing any reference to ganja (marijuana) or the plant is prohibited. View the Restricted Goods

Use the link below to view more information on Prohibited & Restricted Goods:

Upon arrival, you must retain the immigration card given to you. You’re advised to keep your card with your travel documents, as you may be required to present it to an Immigration Officer upon your departure.
If you're planning a business trip, soliciting services and taking purchase orders requires a temporary work permit. Applications for this permit may be obtained in advance from the Department of Immigration. You must declare all samples of goods you bring into the country and these goods must leave with you. By law, you may not accept jobs in the Cayman Islands without a work permit.
For specific questions regarding entry into the Cayman Islands, visit the Cayman Islands Customs & Border Control Service website by using the link below: