Celebrate Cayman Thanksgiving

Many countries have their own thanksgiving day celebrations, and the Cayman Islands is no different. Each year on the first Sunday of December people across the Cayman Islands celebrate Cayman Thanksgiving and take the opportunity to come together to give thanks, unite loved ones, and mark the end of the hurricane season.

Now in its 14th year, this celebration of Caymanian culture, tradition, food and festivity has become a beloved annual tradition and the unofficial kick-off to islands’ festive season. 

Like most thanksgiving festivals the highlight of the celebration is food, and the Cayman Thanksgiving menu is a uniquely Caymanian creation consisting of locally grown or produced food using traditional Caymanian recipes.

Traditional Caymanian food is the ultimate farm-to-table cuisine relying on the bounty of the ocean for fresh fish and seafood, and the land for beef, chicken, and a cornucopia of bread kind (starchy vegetables like yam and cassava), vegetables and the ever-present coconut used in both sweet and savoury recipes. 

A typical Cayman Thanksgiving dinner menu can include fried or roasted breadfruit; a salad of local greens with tomatoes, and cucumbers; stewed conch; turtle stew or locally raised beef slow-cooked “Cayman style”; rice and beans; fried fish fritters and for dessert yam or cassava cake. 

Shopping for these ingredients at local supermarkets, the Hamlin Stephenson Market At The Cricket Grounds on Grand Cayman or the Backyard Farmer’s Market on Cayman Brac is a tasty and sustainable way to celebrate Cayman Thanksgiving. 

Cayman thanksgiving is a time to count our blessings and reflect on what we love about the Cayman Islands. 

Whether you’re from here, have come to live here or are visiting our beautiful islands we invite you to join the celebration!