Apply for a Film Permit

Production companies interested in filming in the Cayman Islands must apply for a media license and temporary work permits for cast and crew. If the production company is granted approval to film in the Cayman Islands, the CIFC will act as liaison between the production company and other government agencies to ensure a smooth filming process. If you would like to film your next project in the Cayman Islands, please review the requirements below:

General Requirements

  • To have your production considered for filming in the Cayman Islands, please fill out the CIFC Contact Form.
  • Once outreach is received, the CIFC will contact the production company for an initial discussion.
  • If it is determined that the production is not ineligible, then an application for a Media Production License will be shared with the production team to fill out.
  • The CIFC will review the Media Production License application and supporting documents, to make a final determination.
  • If the Media Production License is granted, the CIFC will share the following forms for completion:
  • Temporary Work Permit Application
  • Temporary Work Permit Affidavit
  • Equipment Importation Notification Form